CitectVBA Programming Reference > CitectVBA Function Reference > String Functions > Option Compare

Option Compare

Determines how strings are compared within a CitectVBA module. The optional Option Compare statement if used, must be placed at the top of the CitectVBA file along with any other Option declarations.

If an Option Compare statement is not included, the default text comparison method is Binary.


Option Compare {Binary | Text}

Related Functions

InStr | StrComp


Option Compare Binary	
Dim vntResult as Variant
vntResult = StrComp("CitectVBA rules!", "Citectvba Rules!")
' returns 1 (strings unequal)


Option Compare Text	
Dim vntResult as Variant
vntResult = StrComp("CitectVBA rules!", "Citectvba Rules!")
' returns 0 (strings equal)