CitectVBA Programming Reference > Using the CitectVBA Test Project > Setting up Test Project Communications

Setting up Test Project Communications

You only need to perform this procedure once for the test project.

To set up test project communications

  1. Open the test project.
  2. Click the Citect Explorer button.
  3. Double-click the Communications folder.
  4. Double-click the Express I/O Device Setup button.
  5. Select Next and click the Create a New I/O Server check box.
  6. In the Name field, replace the default name IOServer_1 with CiVBAIOServer.
  7. Note:CitectSCADA stores the communication details as records in a database. Each record name is limited to a maximum of 16 characters. These records are accessible with the Citect Project Editor.

  8. Select Next and click the Create a New I/O Device check box.
  9. In the Name field, replace the default name IODev with CiVBAIODevice.
  10. Click Next and click the Disk I/O Device check box.
  11. Click Next to accept the defaultCitectSCADA Generic Protocol.
  12. ClickNext to accept the default remaining unlinked to any external tag database.
  13. Select Next and Finish to create the CitectVBA Project communications.

See Also

Setting up the Test Project Computer