Computer Setup Editor > Maintaining Sections > Deleting a section

Deleting a section

Deleting a section automatically deletes any parameters within that section.

To delete a section:

  1. Right-click the section to be deleted in the expandable tree pane.
  2. Choose Delete Section from the shortcut menu to display a confirmation window.
  3. The Computer Setup Editor opens an alert window requesting confirmation of this action. Click Yes to continue.

    • Do not under any circumstances change or remove any of the undocumented citect.ini parameters.
    • Before deleting sections of the citect.ini file, confirm that no undocumented parameters will be deleted.

    Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

    Note: Always seek the advice of CitectSCADA support personnel regarding undocumented features.

  5. The section is deleted from the parameter tree. If there are undocumented parameters not currently visible in the tree that exist in the file, an alert appears to advise you that you can view these undocumented parameters, and the undocumented parameters are not deleted. See Viewing undocumented parameters for details.