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Computer Setup Editor > Using the Computer Setup Editor Interface > Expandable tree pane

Expandable tree pane

The expandable tree pane is used to display and navigate the contents of the citect.ini file using an expandable tree. Each branch on the tree represents a section within the citect.ini file, and each leaf item of that branch represents the parameters within that section. You can expand and collapse the tree nodes by clicking the "+" and "-" by each element, just as you would in Windows Explorer.

To expand the tree:

  1. Right-click the top element of the tree.
  2. Choose Expand all from the shortcut menu.
  3. The configuration parameter tree expands to show all parameter entries.

To collapse the tree:

  1. Right-click the top element of the tree.
  2. Choose Collapse all from the shortcut menu.
  3. The configuration parameter tree collapses to show only section entries.