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Parameters > Citect.ini File Parameters > Debug Parameters > [Debug]CategoryFilterMode


Allows or denies logging of categories declared by the [Debug]CategoryFilter.

Allowable Values:

0 - Log only categories defined by the CategoryFilter value

1 - Allow logging of all categories except the ones defined by the CategoryFilter value.

Default Value: 1

Note: You can adjust this parameter during runtime using the SetLogging() function. For more information, search the CitectSCADA Help for the topic Adjusting Logging During Runtime. To access the Help, select Citect Help Topics from the Help menu in Citect Explorer or Project Editor.

In addition to setting this parameter you need to also set the [Debug]SeverityFilterMode and the [Debug]SeverityFilter parameters. Other parameters associated with syslog.dat file are;[Debug]ArchiveFiles, [Debug]EnableLogging, [Debug]MaximumFileSize

See Also