Parameters > Citect.ini File Parameters > General Parameters > [General]CheckAddressBoundary


Determines whether the compiler checks for correctly-aligned I/O device variables. Each analog variable in an I/O device usually occupies a word location (16 bits wide). If the first word is V1, the next is V2, V3, V4, and so on. With some I/O devices, you can access two words as a long or real value (32 bits wide). The first long will be V1 and the next V3, V5, V7, and so on.

For CitectSCADA to read these variables correctly, all double-register variables must be aligned on the same boundary, either an even or odd boundary. When CitectSCADA compiles your project and finds a double-register variable, it remembers which boundary it is on and checks that all other double register variables are on the same boundary. So, if CitectSCADA finds a double register variable on address V5, CitectSCADA checks that all other double register variables are also on odd boundaries.

The CitectSCADA compiler displays the "Address on bad boundary" message if the address of a long or real variable is not aligned correctly.

Allowable Values:

Default Value: 1

See Also