Parameters > Citect.ini File Parameters > LAN Parameters > [LAN]ListenerRetryTime


Specifies the amount of time a server will wait before retrying to start listening on the configured IP Address and TCP Port number.

In a certain cases the configured CitectSCADAServer IP Address and Port Number may not be available for the server to start listening and accepting client connections. For example if the same IP Address and Port Number is already used by another process or the IP Address is not present on any network interface of the machine or if the network card has been unplugged. In these cases, the CitectSCADAServer will start running and in the background it will asynchronously keep trying to start listening and accepting connections on the configured IP Address and Port Number. The interval of time between two attempts to start listening and accepting connections is determined by this parameter.

As soon as the configured IP Address and Port Number are available, the Server will start listening and accepting client connections. It is recommended to configure a Server IP Address and Port Number which are available and not used by another process on the same machine.

Allowable Values

Length of time in milliseconds

1 - 2147483647

Default Value: 5000

See Also