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Parameters > Citect.ini File Parameters > Trend Parameters > [Trend]FilterViewByPrivilege


The setting applied to this parameter effects any any trend browse or data request performed by the cicode functions TrnBrowseOpen, TrnGetTable, TrnEventGetTable or TrnEventGetTableMS, or through CTAPI using CtFindFirst for the tables TrnQuery and CTAPITrend.

When this parameter is set to 0 on the trend server, the set of records returned from the browse will not be filtered by privilege. When this parameter is set to 1, the set of records returned from the browse will be filtered by privilege. The privilege and area of the current logged in user who initiated the browse will be checked against that configured in the privilege and area fields of each trend record in the trend forms in citect editor, and the record will only be included if the user met that level of access.

Allowable Values:

0 - browse sessions not filtered by privilege

1 - browse sessions filtered by privilege

Default Value: 1

See Also