Using CitectSCADA > Working with Multi-Language Projects > Changing Languages > Marking text for language change

Marking text for language change

During project development, you need to mark any text you want change to another language at runtime with a language change indicator, like this:

@( Native Text [,Width [,Justify]])

where Native Text is the identifying text to be displayed when configuring. This text will be replaced by the local equivalent at runtime. Be aware that the brackets are necessary as they specify the extent of the native language text; Width and Justify are optional (indicated by the square brackets).

For example, if English is the native language, you could enter the following alarm description:

Alarm Desc

@(Motor Inoperative)

This indicator serves two purposes: It flags the text as native, and tells CitectSCADA to change the text from native to local at runtime.

By default, the text that you enter here can be in any combination of upper- and lowercase. In other words, Motor Inoperative will be considered the same string as motor inoperative or MOTOR Inoperative, and they will have the same local language translation. Case-sensitivity can be introduced by setting the [Language]CaseSensitive parameter to 1.

Width can be assigned any value from 0 to 254. If the local text is longer than specified, it is truncated and left-justified. If a width is not specified, the field is the length of the local text and the text left-justified.

Justify specifies the text justification and can only be used with Width. Justify can be one of the following values:

For example, to limit the local text in the previous case to 20 characters with right justification:

Alarm Desc

@(Motor Inoperative, 20, R)

Characters that are normally part of the formatting - @ , () - can also be used within the native text. To do this, place a caret (^) character before them. For example, to include a comma without introducing a formatting error:

Alarm Desc

@(Motor Inoperative^, thermal overload, 20, R)

Note: The caret (^) character does appear at runtime or in the language database.

See Also