Displays general statistics information on the overall performance of Citect.
Page General
General Statistics
Server Name |
The server name of this computer or, if it is a client, the name of the primary server this client talks to. |
Node Name |
The computer name of this computer. You can set this through the Computer Setup Wizard. This is only used if you have Citect in a networking configuration. |
Time |
The (current) time of day and the date. |
CPU Index |
An indication of the performance of the Computer. This number provides a rough indication of the performance of the computer. On a Compaq 486/25M it will be 25. |
Running |
The total time Citect has been running |
Stat Reset |
The time since the Cicode command to reset the statistics was run. |
Memory Total |
The total amount of free memory (including virtual memory). |
Memory Physical |
The total amount of free physical memory. The physical RAM that is free on the computer (not including virtual memory). |
Memory Resources |
The % of free Windows system resources. |
Scheduler Cycles |
The number of times that the Citect scheduler is looking for a task to execute. A good indication of how fast the computer can respond to an event. This number depends on the speed of the computer and the CPU resources that Citect is using. This value is completely different depending on whether you are running 32-bit or 16-bit Citect. This is because Citect can use the 32-bit operating system to perform process scheduling, an operation that Citect needs to perform itself in the 16-bit environment. 16-bit: The busier Citect is, the lower the number. Typical values of 10,000 to 50,000; a highly loaded system may drop to below 1000. 32-bit: The busier Citect is, the higher the number. Typical values of 100 to 1000; a highly loaded system may rise above 5000. |
CPU Usage |
The percentage of the total available computer processing power that is being used on this computer. As the percentage increases to a high level, the performance of Citect may level off or become sluggish. If the CPU usage is consistently very high (greater than 70%), there could be a problem with your system or you may be overloading the CPU. For best performance, run your system between 0% and 40%. |
Tasks Per Sec |
The number of tasks per second that the Citect scheduler is executing, to show how busy Citect is. This number will be between 30 and 200 tasks per second. If the computer is an I/O Server, the task number is higher (because each protocol uses many tasks). |
Lost Errors |
Citect keeps track of internal errors in its local error buffers. The Lost Errors counter is incremented when an error is detected and there is no buffer in which to put the alert message. This number should normally be 0 (zero). If this field is incrementing, you may have a problem with your system. |
I/O Server Statistics
The following statistics are only incremented if the computer is configured as an I/O Server:
Read Requests |
The first number is the total number of read requests sent to the I/O Server from client Citect computers, including the local Citect client. This number continues to increment from 0 (to billions) depending on how fast clients are requesting data and how long the server has been running. The second number is more useful - it records the read requests per second. This value also depends on how fast the clients are requesting data from the I/O Server, and should be between 5 and 400 requests per second |
Physical Reads |
The first number is the total number of physical reads made to the I/O Devices. Because the I/O Server can optimize the number of read requests made to the I/O Devices, this number is usually smaller than the number of read requests. This number is similar to the read requests and increments forever. The second number is the number of physical reads per second (that the I/O Server is performing). The rate depends on the clients and how fast the server can communicate to the I/O Devices (typically 5 to 200). |
Blocked Reads |
The total number of times a request was made for the same I/O Device address while the I/O Server was already reading that address. The server blocks the two requests together as an optimization. |
Digital Reads |
The total number of digital points that the I/O Server has read from I/O Devices. |
Digital Reads per Sec |
The number of digital reads per second that the I/O Server is processing. This provides a general indication of performance. It is dependent on the protocol. |
Write Requests |
The first number is the total number of write requests sent to the I/O Server from client Citect computers, including the local Citect client. The second number is the write requests per second (that the I/O Server is performing). The number of requests depends on the rate at which clients are sending write requests to the I/O Server (typically 0 to 20). If the number of requests continually exceeds 10, then this may be causing performance to decline (usually caused by Cicode performing too many writes to the I/O Devices). |
Physical Writes |
The first number is the total number of physical writes made to the I/O Devices. Because the I/O Server can optimize the number of write requests made to the I/O Devices, this number is usually smaller than the number of write requests. The second number is the number of physical writes per second (that the I/O Server is performing). The number of writes depends on the rate at which clients are sending write requests to the I/O Server (typically 0 to 20). If the number of requests continually exceeds 10, then this may be causing performance to decline (usually caused by Cicode performing too many writes to the I/O Devices). |
Blocked Writes |
The total number of times a request was made for the same I/O Device address while the I/O Server was already writing that address. The server blocks the two requests together as an optimization. |
Register Reads |
The total number of register points that the I/O Server has read from I/O Devices. |
Register Reads per Sec |
The number of register reads per second that the I/O Server is processing. This provides a general indication of performance. It is dependent on the protocol. |
Cache Reads |
The number of read requests serviced from the read cache. |
Cache Reads(%) |
The percentage of reads serviced from the cache. If the cache read % is large, (for example greater than 40%), the I/O Device cache timeout could be set too high. Try reducing the I/O Device cache time to bring the % cache below 40%. The % of read cache depends on the configuration of your Citect system and the number of clients connected. If you have many clients looking at the same I/O Device data, the cache % may be very high, however this does not usually impact performance. For example, if you have 10 Citect clients viewing the same page, a cache read of 90% would be acceptable. |
Cache Flush |
The number of times a cache buffer was flushed because a write request was directed to the same location. When you write to the I/O Device and that address is in the read cache, Citect flushes the data from the cache. The next time the data is read, it is reloaded from the I/O Device to reflect the new value. |
Cache RD Ahead |
The number of read-ahead updates made to the cache buffer. When read ahead caching is enabled, the I/O Server will try to read any I/O Device data which is coming close to cache 'timeout' time. The I/O Server will only read this data if the communication channel to the I/O Device is idle - to give higher priority to other read requests. |
Cache Buffers |
The number of active cache buffers allocated. Each block of data that is read from the I/O Device requires a cache buffer when stored in the cache. The number of cache buffers active at once depends on the dynamic operation of the Citect computers and their project configurations (typically 0 to 100). |
Cache Short |
The number of times the cache needed to allocate additional buffers but no buffers were available. When this happens the server cannot cache the data. This does not generate errors but it does lower performance. If this field increments too quickly, increase the available memory. |
Response Times |
The time taken by the I/O Server to process read and write requests (i.e. the time from when a request arrives at the server to when it is sent back to the client). This time depends on the physical response time of the I/O Device and how long the request had to wait in a queue for other requests to be completed. This time increases as the server's loading increases, and is a good indication of the total system response. The average, minimum, and maximum times are displayed. Typical values depend on the I/O Device protocol, however Citect should have an average response of 500 to 2000 ms. Slower protocols or a heavily loaded system may make the response time higher, but be able to get response times of less than two seconds even for very large systems. |
Points |
The maximum number of I/O points that can exist in your Citect system. The combined Static and Dynamic count cannot exceed this number. The point limit is part of the Citect software protection, and is programmed into your hardware key. |
Max Full |
The maximum number of fully functional Citect computers (Full Licenses) that can exist in your Citect system. This number is part of the Citect software protection, and is programmed into your hardware key. |
Current Full |
The current number of fully functional Citect computers (Full Licenses) that are running in your Citect system. |
Peak Full |
The peak number of fully functional Citect computers (Full Licenses) that your Citect system has experienced since it was re-started. |
Static |
The number of static I/O points. |
Max Mngr |
The maximum number of View-only Clients that can exist in your Citect system. This number is part of the Citect software protection, and is programmed into your hardware key. |
Current Mngr |
The current number of View-only Clients that are running in your Citect system. |
Peak Mngr |
The peak number of View-only Clients that your Citect system has experienced since it was re-started. |
Dynamic |
The number of dynamic I/O points. |
Max Dsp |
The maximum number of Display-only Clients that can exist in your Citect system. This number is part of the Citect software protection, and is programmed into your hardware key. |
Current Dsp |
The current number of Display-only Clients that are running in your Citect system. |
Peak Dsp |
The peak number of Display-only Clients that your Citect system has experienced since it was re-started. |
See Also