The Reports form has the following properties:
The name of the report. The name can be a maximum of 79 characters. It can consist of any character other than the semi-colon (;) or single quote ('). The name needs to be unique to the cluster.
Note: Where Cluster Name is left blank, the name needs to be unique to every defined cluster.
Cluster Name
The name of the cluster that runs this report. If the Cluster Name is not set, then CitectSCADA considers this report to run on every defined cluster.
The time of day to synchronize the report, in hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds). If you do not specify a time, the report is synchronized at 0:00:00 (i.e., midnight). Enter a value of 32 characters or less.
The period of the report, in hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds). Enter a value of 32 characters or less. Alternatively you can:
If you do not specify a period, the report is run daily.
Any Cicode expression (or Variable tag) to trigger
the report. Enter a value of 254 characters or less. If the result
of the expression (in this field) is TRUE, and the Time and Period fields are blank,
the report is run. The report is only run when the expression
becomes TRUE, and it needs to become FALSE then TRUE again before
the report is re-run.
Report Format File
The name of the report format file. Enter a value of 253 characters or less. If you do not specify a file extension, it defaults to .RPT. Any valid file name can be used; however, you cannot use a Path Substitution in this field. If you specify a filename without a path, the file saves into the directory predefined as Run. The report is assumed (by the CitectSCADA compiler) to be ASCII unless an RTF extension is used.
Note: The file name of your report format file can be up to 64 characters long, or 253 characters including the path. It can consist of any characters other than the single quote ('), and the semi-colon (;).
Output Device
The device where the report will be sent. Enter a value of 16 characters or less.
For RTF reports that are to be saved as a file, select a device of type ASCII_DEV here. Due to the differing natures of their content; however, it is not recommended that the same ASCII device be used for logging both RTF and non-RTF reports.
Note: If two or more reports are running at the same time and are sending their output to the same printer, the output of each report can become mixed. You need to use semaphores to control the access to the printer in each report. See the SemOpen Cicode function. If the report only contains Cicode statements (and has no output data), this property is optional.
Any useful comment. Enter a value of 48 characters or less.
Extended forms fields
The following fields are implemented with extended forms (press F2).
The privilege necessary by an operator to run this report if the report is a command-driven report. Enter a value of 16 characters or less.
If the report is time-driven or event-driven, this property is ignored.
Note: If you assign an acknowledgment privilege to a report, do not assign a privilege to the command(s) that run the report. If you do assign a different privilege to the commands, an operator needs to have both privileges to run the report.
The area to which this report belongs. Enter a value
of 16 characters or less. Only users with access to this area (and
any necessary privileges) will be able to run this report. For
example, if you enter Area 1 here, operators need to have access to
Area 1 (plus any necessary privileges) to run this report.