Using CitectSCADA > Defining and Drawing Graphics Pages > Using Objects > Resizing objects

Resizing objects

You can resize objects simply.

To re-size an object:

  1. Select the object, and then move the cursor over a sizing handle. The cursor changes to a two-sided arrow showing the directions that you can drag the handle to resize the object.
  2. Click and drag the handle to a new location. The object's bounding box appears as you drag.
  3. Release the mouse button.

Select a sizing handle at a corner of the object to change the height and width at the same time. If you hold the CTRL key while you move a corner sizing handle, the object maintains its aspect ratio (that is, a square remains a square).

To select an object's node:

  1. Select the object. Node selection is only applicable to a Line, Pipe, Polyline, or Polygon object.
  2. Position and hold the mouse pointer over the node. The mouse pointer will change to a small cross shape.
  3. Click the left mouse button. The color of the selected node will change to the inverse of the background (light on a dark background, dark on a light background).

If you have a node selected and then click another node within the same object, the first node will deselect. To select multiple nodes, hold down the Ctrl key and click each node you want to select. (With the Ctrl key held down, you can click a previously selected node to deselect it.) Clicking the same node again toggles the selection of the node alternately on and off. To deselect every node, click anywhere other than on a node.

To move a node of an object:

  1. Select the node(s).
  2. Position and hold the mouse pointer over the node. The mouse pointer will change to a small cross shape.
  3. Click and hold the left mouse button. The cursor changes to a positioning symbol.
  4. Drag the selected node(s) to the desired position.
  5. Release the mouse button.

Selecting and moving multiple nodes maintains the aspect ratio of the graphic object between the selected nodes.

To add a node to an object:

  1. Select the object.
  2. Position and hold the mouse pointer directly over the graphic object at the exact point where the new node will be added. The mouse pointer will change to a pointing hand shape.
  3. Press Insert, or either of the available plus (+) keys.

Depending upon the keyboard you're using, the plus key could be either on the number pad section, or accessed on the main keyboard via the Shift key.

To delete a node from an object

  1. Select the node(s).
  2. Press Delete or a minus (-) key.

If no nodes are selected, pressing the Delete or minus keys deletes the object.

See Also