CitectSCADAautomatically monitors several special kinds of conditions that are specific to SPC data. When specific patterns or events occur to an SPC tag, it will set the appropriate alarm. Typically these alarms are related to, and used in conjunction with, the XRS control charts.
SPC alarms are configured differently to standard
alarms to provide for this
extra functionality. SPC alarms needs to be configured using the
Advanced Alarms form. You use the SPCAlarms Cicode function to
check for the condition of the alarms:
Note: An SPC alarm can only be defined on an Alarm Server in the same cluster as the Trends Server that contains the SPC tag (though the variable tag referenced in the SPC tag can be on a different IOServer cluster).
Complete the Advanced Alarm form as shown here:
Advanced Alarms |
Alarm Tag |
Feed_Above_UCL |
Alarm Desc |
Un-controlled variation |
Expression |
SPCAlarms("Feed_SPC", XAboveUCL) |
Comment |
Several samples are above UCL |
The SPC (Trends) Server checks for any specified alarm conditions. When one is detected, it informs the Alarm Server that an alarm has occurred. Be aware of the number of subgroups displayed on your SPC charts, and the number used in SPC alarm calculations (as set by the [SPC]AlarmBufferSize parameter). If these two values differ, SPC alarms might not correlate with your SPC charts.
The following list shows the alarms types that are valid:
Name |
Description |
XFreak |
Single point greatly differs (2 sigma) from the center line. |
XOutsideCL |
Process mean outside either of the control limits (UCL or LCL). |
XAboveUCL |
Process mean above the upper control limit (UCL). |
XBelowLCL |
Process mean below the lower control limit (LCL). |
XOutsideWL |
Process mean outside the alert limits which are 67% of the UCL and LCL. |
XGradualUp |
Process mean is gradually drifting up to a new level indicated by several consecutive points above the mean. |
XGradualDown |
Process mean is gradually drifting down to a new level indicated by several consecutive points below the mean. |
XUpTrend |
Several points continuously increasing in value. |
XDownTrend |
Several points continuously decreasing in value. |
XErratic |
Large fluctuations that are greater than the control limits. |
XStratification |
Artificial constancy. Several consecutive points are close to (within 1 sigma of) the center line. |
XMixture |
Several consecutive points are far from (outside 1 sigma of) the center line. |
ROutsideCL |
Process range outside either of the control limits (UCL or LCL). |
RAboveUCL |
Process range above the upper control limit (UCL). |
RBelowLCL |
Process range below the lower control limit (LCL). |
Note: The above alarms rely on n number of consecutive points to generate the alarm. The value of n can be set for each type of alarm through SPC parameters.
See Also