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Using the Web Client > The CitectSCADA Web Client > Implementing Multiple Language Support > Using a language different to the current system locale setting

Using a language different to the current system locale setting

You can display the content of the Web Client's deployment configuration pages using a language that's different to the current system locale setting for the computer. To do this, use a URL query string in the address field of your browser.

To switch to a language other than the default:

  1. Decide which language you want to use and determine its associated language code. (See How default languages are implemented for a list of the codes for the default languages supported by the Web Server).
  2. For example, if you want to use Chinese, the code necessary would be zh.

    Note: If the language you want to use is not one of the supported languages, you need to create and translate your own message file. See Implementing a non-default language.

  3. Use a URL query to indicate the language you want to use for the Web Client deployment pages. For example, if the address field on your browser currently reads:
  4. http://localhost/CitectSCADA

    add a "/?lang=" query to the end of the address. For example, Chinese would be:


    Note: If you use a code that represents a regional variation of one of the default languages and that specific code cannot be matched, the Web Server can only implement the available default version of the language. For example, using the language code for Chinese (PRC), "zh-cn", results in the Simplified Chinese being used, "zh".

Your Web browser now displays the Web Client's deployment configuration pages using the appropriate language.

See Also