Using the Process Analyst > Process Analyst for Operators > Configuring the Process Analyst > Using the property tree right-click menu
Using the property tree right-click menu

Right-clicking an item in the property tree displays the shortcut menu for that item, as shown below.

The tasks you can perform vary depending on your privilege level: if you don't have the necessary privilege at run time to perform an action, that control is disabled/removed. For example, the right-click menu removes the Add Pen option at run time if you don't have the privilege to add a pen. Commands that are unavailable appear "grayed-out." The right-click menu contains the following options:

Right-click this item...



Add Pane - add a new pane.

Add Cursor - add a new cursor.


Add Digital - adds a new digital pen.

Add Analog - adds a new analog pen.

Add Alarm - adds a new alarm pen.

Note: After adding a pen from this menu, configure the data connection by clicking the Connection tab and typing the name of the tag into the Tag text box.

Delete - deletes the pane.


Delete - deletes the pen.


Delete - deletes the cursor.

Use the Main page for the following: