Command line parameters

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The following flags can be passed over as parameters in the command line:

Passing over a parameter is done by putting a `/` or a `-` before the parameter:

e.g.: /silent or -silent


forces the program to omit the first dialog and go straight to the dialog for requesting the activation key
(it does not matter if the flag /silent or -silent is also used)


forces the program to use the serial number which is passed with <num> for licensing instead of reading the number from the zenOn6.ini file.


forces the program to use the activation key which is passed with <key> for licensing instead of reading the key from the zenOn6.ini file.


forces the program to not show a dialog. The file License.txt is still created.


works only in connection with the flag 'silent' and forces the program to send the license request to the specified address <addr> via e-mail.