The interface |
Develop ActiveX elements -> Example: CD_SliderCtrl -> The interface |
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The control CD_SliderCtrl has the following dispatch interface:
[ uuid(5CD1B01D-015E-11D4-A1DF-080009FD837F),
helpstring(Dispatch interface for CD_SliderCtrl Control), hidden
dispinterface _DCD_SliderCtrl
properties: //*** Properties of the controls
[id(1)] short TickRaster;
[id(2)] boolean ShowVertical;
[id(3)] short LineSize;
methods: //*** Methods of the control (for zenOn ActiveX)
[id(4)] boolean zenOnInit(IDispatch* pElementInterface);
[id(5)] boolean zenOnExit();
[id(6)] short VariableTypes();
[id(7)] short CanUseVariables();
[id(8)] short MaxVariables();
[id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX)] void AboutBox();