The interface

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The control LatchedSwitch has the following dispatch interface:

[ uuid(EB207159-D7C9-11D3-B019-080009FBEAA2),
helpstring(Dispatch interface for LatchedSwitch Control), hidden ]
dispinterface _DLatchedSwitch

         // NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
         // Use extreme caution when editing this section.
         [id(1)] boolean SollwertDirekt;
         [id(2)] IPictureDisp* SwitchOn; // Aufnehmer für die Bitmaps
         [id(3)] IPictureDisp* SwitchOff;
         [id(4)] IPictureDisp* LatchedOn;
         [id(5)] IPictureDisp* LatchedOff;

// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
// Use extreme caution when editing this section.
[id(6)] short CanUseVariables();
[id(7)] short VariableTypes();
[id(8)] short MaxVariables();
[id(9)] boolean zenOnInit(IDispatch* dispElement);
[id(10)] boolean zenOnExit();
[id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX)] void AboutBox();


The properties SwitchOn to LatchedOff contain the bitmaps for displaying the four different states of the control. The bitmaps themselves are stored in objects of the class CPictureHolder. The property SollwertDirekt defines if the input of set values is done via a dialog or directly by clicking the control.