The page Filter

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On the first page with the title Filter the messages to be displayed can be filtered by logical criteria.

The possible filter options are:

Variable name

filters for variable names, where system messages are masked out, as they are not linked to a variable. You can also use wildcards here.


filters for the identifictaion of variables, where system messages are masked out, as they are not linked to a variable. You can also use wildcards here.

Case sensitive

defines the entries in variable name and identification as case sensitive.

With filter dialog

opens this dialog in the Runtime.


opens the list in a stopped state, i.e. while the list is open no new messages will be added automatically.

Entries from memory

Only displays system messages from the file CEL.BIN.

Entries from file

displays all found system messages.

max. number

limits the number of displayed messages from file.

Display in relative times (relative to selected entry)

All entries are displayed in the time distance to the selected entry. The displayed time is the difference time passed since the selected entry. The selected entry automatically gets the time stamp '0'. The other events either have a positive time difference relative to the selected entry (if they occured later) or a negative on (if they occured sooner).


filters for alarm groups, where system messages are marked out, as they are not linked to a variable.


filters for alarm classes, where system messages are marked out, as they are not linked to a variable.


For our example we only need small changes here.