Installation of the straton Runtime

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The installation of the straton Runtime (PLC Runtime) on a CE system is similar to the installation of the zenon Runtime. In the property page Configuration the PLC Runtime has to be selected to copy the files necessary for straton to the CE execution directory.

Requirement: Runnable transport service under CE

Performing updates

  1. Start the update tool
  2. Enter the IP address of the target device or choose one of the stored IP addresses (up to 5 addresses can be stored).
  3. With the setting update zenOn6.ini you can define if the file should also be transferred. If you choose not to transfer it, the licensing information on the target device remains unchanged.
  4. Press the button Start: the connection will be established.
  5. Press the button Next: program files will be sent
  6. Press the button Next: transport service on the device will be updated
  7. If you get the error message The current update was not completed, the update was interrupted or not executed correctly.

info Info

The MFC files are always transferred using Windows CE 6.0.