Creating a command input

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Now we create a simple command interlocking to get to know the configuration possibilities of the command input.

Therefore, we can open the context menu in the project tree at the node 'Command input'

and create a new command interlocking with command setting new.

Alternatively, a command interlocking can be created by choosing the project node in the window of the command interlockings and then, via the context menu

and new.


After creating a new command input, it is inserted in the tree with the standard name 'interlocking X'. X is replaced by a number that identifies the name among all interlockings in the project, including the general interlockings.


Let us now have a look at the properties of the interlocking:


Perform the following changes of the default settings:


 Explanation of the properties.

Name of the property



Name of the command interlocking. Must be unique among all interlockings in the project. This name is used later with the process variable that uses this interlocking. The actual allocation is done with a unique consecutive numerical ID. The name is used only for GUI, Export and Import.

Variable name of response

This is the variable name resp. the mask for the substitution of the response variable.

The placeholder for the substitution text is the character sequence ‚*' within a name. Only one placeholder can be used in a name. When entering the mask, it is important to take care that this name results in an existing variable name after substitution.

If the variable that is used here (substituted or absolute) does not exist during compiling, the command interlocking is not available in the RT. An according message announces this error during compiling.

Display of desired direction

If this is active, the status bit 'Desired direction' is written to during the actions 'Command' and 'Correction'. The value, to which the status bit is set, depends on the switching direction of the action.

The status bit is set to 1 if:

The switching direction of the action is not 'None'.

The response variable does not already have the expected switching direction. .

The status bit is set during the check of the interlockings and it remains on that value until the picture returns to step 1 or until it is closed. This also implies that the status remains while the watchdog timer and/or the edge delay is active.

Also during the execution, triggered by a context menu and one-staged, the status bit is set accordingly.

Watchdog timer

If this is active, the COT states for the action 'Command' are monitored. If the COT procedure is not ended successfully within the timeout configured for the action, the status bit 'Runtime' is set. The monitoring is activated only if the value to be written does not equal the current value of the action variable.


See also COT procedure

Picture modal

If this is active, the picture is displayed modally, independent of the setting 'Modal dialog' in the picture settings.

Picture title from RV

The identification of the response variable is shown in the picture title. This only happens when there a title was configured for the picture at the template.

Online language switchable.

Command picture

Name of the picture to be loaded if no action specific picture is defined and if the picture is not opened via the function 'Picture : Switch to'.