Driver-specific functions

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This driver supports the following functions:

The driver gets the values of the requested variables cyclically from the PLC. Depending on the employed adapter, you can communicate with a varying number of MPI addresses.




Verion 5

This adapter supports up to 4 target addresses, which must be defined in the configuration dialog.

Verion 3

This adapter supports only one target address. If there are different Net addresses to communicate with, the driver will reconfigure the adapter. This reduces the transmission rate, however. Communication is possible with all addresses within the defined address area (HSA).

Helmholz SSW7-HMI

This adapter supports only one target address. If there are different Net addresses to communicate with, the driver will reconfigure the adapter. The driver supports the Helmholz-specific command extensions, which accelerate the changing of the target address. Communication is possible with all addresses within the defined address area (HSA).

INI entries




Activating blockwrite:



interface logging (also refer to interface logging)
