*   MUL

Operator - Performs a multiplication of all inputs.


IN1 : ANY_NUM  First input
IN2 : ANY_NUM  Second input


Q : ANY_NUM    Result: IN1 * IN2


All inputs and the output must have the same type. In FBD language, the block may have up to 16 inputs. In LD language, the input rung (EN) enables the operation, and the output rung keeps the same value as the input rung. In IL language, the MUL instruction performs a multiplication between the current result and the operand. The current result and the operand must have the same type.

ST Language

Q := IN1 * IN2;

FBD Language

(* the block may have up to 16 inputs *)
MulFbd.gif (1633 octets)

LD Language

(* The multiplication is executed only if EN is TRUE *)
(* ENO is equal to EN *)
MulLd.gif (1486 octets)

IL Language:

Op1: LD  IN1
     MUL IN2
     ST  Q    (* Q is equal to: IN1 * IN2 *)
Op2: LD  IN1
     MUL IN2
     MUL IN3
     ST  Q    (* Q is equal to: IN1 * IN2 * IN3 *)

See also

+   -   /