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The driver communicates on a name basis (via the variable name) or optionally, via the identification.




Any name can be chosen; ATTENTION: the name must be unique within each control system project. The name will be used for the unique addressing.


Any text can be entered here, e.g. for resource labels, comments, etc. Optionally, the identification can be used for addressing. Please make sure that the name is not used a second time with a different data type.

Net address

Bus address or net address of the variable.

This address refers to the bus address in the connection configuration of the driver. This defines the PLC, on which the variable resides.

Data block

not used for this driver


not used for this driver


not used for this driver

Bit number

not used for this driver

String length

Only available for String variables: Maximum number of characters that the variable can take. Must always be entered manually. The online import does not support any Strings.

Driver object type

Depending on the employed driver, an object type is selected during the creation of the variable; the type can be changed here later.

Data type

Data type of the variable, which is selected during the creation of the variable; the type can be changed here later.

ATTENTION: If you change the data type later, all other properties of the variable must be checked and adjusted, if necessary.


Only global, private and alias tags are supported.

The variable names are case sensitive.

Creating string variables via browsing (see below) is not possible; you have to manually create the zenon String variables with the same variable names or the same variable identifications that are used in the PLC.

Example: There is a String structure in the PLC that looks as follows:

long StringStrukt.LEN

char StringStrukt.DATA[60]

Please enter "StringStrukt.DATA[0]" as the name or identification.

Also, copy the array length (in this case: 60 Bytes) to the field String length.

There must be no other variable with the same name and a

different data type!

There must be no additional Byte variable with this name.


Control Logix variable types of structures:

All pre-defined and user-defined variables (tags) are supported. You can access single bits of the following basic data types via variable name/bit number.

Tag or array type

Sub element


/00 - 07 Example: MySINT/01


/00 - 15 Example: MyINT/03


/00 - 31 Example: MyDINT/23

zenon array variables

A zenon array variable represents a memory area (arrays or structures) of the Control Logix.

You have read and write access to the zenon array variable via the Recipe Manager and VBA. One advantage of the Control Logix is that block reading and block writing is very efficient. Supported driver objects for array variables are (i/u8Bit ,i/u16Bit ,i/u32Bit ,float).

A zenon array variable is created via the variable dialog. Enter the size of the array in the input field "Array size". If you have the same data type as you have on the Control Logix, you also have to enter the same dimension in the input field "Array size".

Example1 with a Control Logix array: There is a global variable UDINT arTest[106] on the Control Logix. See the illustration below for the definition on the zenon page.

You can also put a zenon array variable over a Control Logix structure. This means that an unformatted binary dump of the structure will be read and written.

A zenon array variable is created via the variable dialog. Enter the size of the structure in the input field "Array size".

If it is an „i/u8Bit" array, you have to enter the size of the structure in Bytes in the input field "Array size".

If it is an „i/u16Bit" array, you have to enter the size of the structure in Bytes/2 in the input field "Array size".

If it is an „i/u32Bit" array, you have to enter the size of the structure in Bytes/4 in the input field "Array size".

If it is a „float" array, you have to enter the size of the structure in Bytes/4 in the input field "Array size".

HINT: The number of Bytes contained in a structure or an array can be found out in the development environment (RSLogix 5000).

Example2 with a Control Logix structure: There is a global variable STRUKT1 sStrukt1 on the Control Logix; its size is 100 Bytes. See the illustration below for the definition on the zenon page.