Error numbers

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In case of communication problems an entry in the error log file of the driver is generated, in which the error cause is stated with a number.

The structure of the error file is described in the chapter "Interface logging".

Error number


HW error:0

Timeout, general communication error

HW error:0

Offset not allowed or value outside of allowed range.

HW error:0

Read: Type is not supported.

HW error:0

Read: Net address exceeded 999.

HW error:0

Read location: Cannot write data request for location.

HW error:0

Read location: No answer to data request received.

HW error:0

Read location: Start sign of answer not received.

HW error:0

Read location: Incorrect size of response telegram.

HW error:0

Read location: Address in response telegram incorrect.

HW error:0

Read location: Type of response telegram incorrect.


Write recording: Checksum in response telegram incorrect


Write recording: Type of response telegram incorrect.


Write recording: Address in response telegram incorrect.


Write recording: Incorrect size of response telegram.


Write recording: Start sign of answer not received.


Write recording: No confirmation for data write from recording received.


Write recording: Cannot write data request for recording.