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Tested with the following hardware and software

omron SYSMAC CJ1M /CPU11 (Programmable Controller)

Testing environment

Tested with serial interface (serial cable, no null modem cable, cable type: SYSMAC WAY), Parameter: 9600, 7, 2, even, no and TCP/IP connection with default port 9600. The IP-Address of the PLC can be set via Web-interface eg: . http://[IP-Address of the PLC\\/0 or via the DM memory area with serial connection (Offset: m = D30000 + (100 x unit number) + 98; in these 4 Bytes, the IP-Adresse is entered, which will be used by the PLC).

For details, please check the Omron Documentation 'W441E101_Ethernet+CPUs_Operation_Manual.pdf'.


In our test, wrting on HR and AR was impossible. With the driver object type IR neither write nor read was possible.