XML import |
SigmaLasal32 -> Creating variables -> Creating variables by importing -> XML import |
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When importing variables or datatypes they are analyzed by zenon. The user then can choose, what should be done with the according variables / datatypes: import, overwrite or do not import. Only reasonable actions are offered.
Import new datatype / variable |
The variable / datatype does not exist and is created by the import. (Default) Cannot be changed by the user. |
Do not import datatype / variable |
The variable / datatype already exists and there are conflicts. Cannot be changed by the user. |
Import datatype / variable |
The variable / datatype already exists, there are no conflicts. The user can decide, whether the variable / datatype should be overwritten or not imported. As a default the variable / datatype is overwritten. |
The following conflicts prevent the import:
The datatype already exists and the linked variables cannot be converted to the datatype to be imported. |
The datatype is complex and the elements of the existing differ from the elements of the one to be imported in number or name. |
The datatype is complex and contains the same elements, but the elements differ in their datatypes, so that a conversion of the linked variables is not possible. |
The variable is of a type, which cannot imported (see above). |
The variable is of another type than the existing (simple/complex). |
The driver assignment for the variable is incorrect (the assigned driver does not support the according datatype and the driver object type). |
The dialog is opened for each variable import.
The datatypes resp. variables to be imported are listed in the dialog. Additionally there is information about the possible actions for each variable/datatype and an action can be selected, if several actions are available.
In the treeview first the datatypes are listed (for the import of datatypes only the datatypes). Structured types can be expanded and the elements of structure datatypes are displayed for information purpose.
For the variables also the according types are displayed and for complex variables also the according simple variables. The selected action is indicated by an icon ('Import and create', 'Import and overwrite' or 'Do not import').
Import details: Description |
A short description of the object. |
Import details: Action |
Combobox with the available actions and the currently selected action. If only one action is possible, it is selected and cannot be changed. |
Import details: Available actions |
A short description of the available actions. |
When importing/overwriting an existing datatype all variables based on the existing datatype are changed. |
There is a datatype XYZ derived from the type INT with variables based on this datatype. The XML file to be imported also contains a datatype with the name XYZ but derived from the type STRING. If this datatype is imported, the existing datatype is overwritten and the type of all variables based on it is adjusted. I.e. the variables are now no longer INT variables, but STRING variables. |