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The driver does not work with standard orientation (Byte, Word…) but is item orientated. Internal, 48 bytes per item are used. Smaller units are

adressed via the offset and the position (Bit number, higher and lower byte) within the word.




Any name may be chosen. ATTENTION: the name must be unique within every control system project.


Any text can be entered here, e.g. for resource labels, comments ...

Net address

not used for this driver

Data block

The Simulator driver only considers the offset, not the data block number!

In a project, there are two variables: Var1 (INT, Data block 51, Offset 20) und Var2 (INT, Data block 52, Offset 20). These two variables always have the same value.


Variables are addressed via the offset. 48 bytes are used per offset. ATTENTION: For double words only every second offset can be used, to prevent overlappings.


not used for this driver

Bit number

Boolean variables can be addressed within an offset by using the the Bit number. You can create 48 Boolean variables for every configured offset.

String length

Only available for String variables: Maximum number of characters that the variable can take.

Please make sure that, depending on String length, the following offsets are empty in order to prevent overlappings. A String variable requires "Number of Characters / 2" Offsets.

Driver object type

Depending on the employed driver, an object type is selected during the creation of the variable; the type can be changed here later.

Data type

Data type of the variable, which is selected during the creation of the variable; the type can be changed here later.
ATTENTION: If you change the data type later, all other properties of the variable must be checked and adjusted, if necessary.

The variables can be addressed up to a maximum offset of 1023.
Exception HD variables: see zenon.ini entries

With String variables, please make sure that - depending on the String length - the following offsets are empty in order to prevent overlappings. A String variable requires "Number of Characters / 2" Offsets.

The maximum String length is 32 characters. If you require more characters, you have to create a variable of the object type HD.

The Simulation Driver cannot be used for automatic addressing of structures, due to its internal data structure.