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The Reaction Matrices are the most sophisticated way to deal with stati.

Here single stati can be evaluated and cause alarms. Basically a status can be treated like a value. As with a value it is also possible with a status to cause certain actions.


IsAlarm IsBTB IsFunction
IsFunctionClient IsFunctionServer IsStateBlinking
Name Parent StateCount
Status Type  


CreateDynProperty CreateState DeleteState
DynPropertiesEnum[GET] DynProperties[GET] DynProperties[PUT]
GetColor GetStatus GetText
StateIsAlarm StateIsBTB StateIsFunction
StateIsFunctionClient StateIsFunctionServer StateIsStateBlinking


Name Type Description
ID Long This property returns the ID of a reaction matrix.
IsAlarm Boolean

as alarm

At least one status of the reaction matrix is defined as an alarm.

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

IsBTB Boolean

in CEL

At least one status of the reaction matrix is also logged in the Chronologic Event List (CEL).

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

IsFunction Boolean

Function linked

At least one status of the reaction matrix is linked to a function.

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

IsStateBlinking Boolean


At least for one status of the reaction matrix the property "flashing" is activated.

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

Name String


Unique name of the reaction matrix.

ATTENTION: This property is not available for language switching.

Read more in the online manual

StateCount Long

Number of status

Number of defined stati of the reaction matrix.

Read more in the online manual

Status Long This property returns the projected properties of a rema as a decimal value.
Hint: Further information in help of "State" collection.
Type Long


Type of the reaction matrix:
Binary: Evaluation of discrete stati (bit-oriented)
Multi binary: Extended evaluation of 32 bit variables; the first 16 bits determine the value of the variable and are passed on as numeric value; rerouting of status bits; special function (switch-off of data points when status bit is set) (Protective data configuring - only SAT-specific)
Analog: Evaluation of analog stati (value-oriented)
Multi analog: Extended evaluation with simultaneous status routing and special function (switch-off of data points when status bit is set)
String: text comparison
The type is defined on creating a new reaction matrix and cannot be changed lateron.

Read more in the online manual

Multi Binary Reaction matrix    

Multi Binary Reaction matrixTop

Name Type Description
Abgeschaltet Long With this property you have the opportunity ot get/set the "deactivate variable" property which is settled in the special functions.
AbgeschaltetStatus Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status bits for switching of the variable.
AbgeschaltetStatusIgnore Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status bits for the status which is passed on.
AbgeschaltetStatusMaske Long
Anzahl Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the number of status routing elements.
CELAnsicht0 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the order of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELAnsicht1 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the order of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELAnsicht2 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the order of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELAnsicht3 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the order of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELAnsicht4 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the order of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELAnsicht5 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the order of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELAnsicht6 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the order of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELLaenge0 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the character amount of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELLaenge1 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the character amount of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELLaenge2 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the character amount of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELLaenge3 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the character amount of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELLaenge4 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the character amount of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELLaenge5 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the character amount of the AML/CEL text elements.
CELLaenge6 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the character amount of the AML/CEL text elements.
ID Long This property returns the ID of a reaction matrix.
IsAlarm Boolean

as alarm

At least one status of the reaction matrix is defined as an alarm.

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

IsBTB Boolean

in CEL

At least one status of the reaction matrix is also logged in the Chronologic Event List (CEL).

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

IsFunction Boolean

Function linked

At least one status of the reaction matrix is linked to a function.

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

IsStateBlinking Boolean


At least for one status of the reaction matrix the property "flashing" is activated.

ATTENTION: This property serves only for information purposes and cannot be changed here.
The property can be changed, if in the context menu of the reaction matrix the command "Properties" is selected.

Read more in the online manual

KeinAltNeuVergleich Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the "no monitoring of changes on the realtime route" property.
KeinAltNeuVergleich_NEZ Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the "no monitoring of changes" property.
Name String


Unique name of the reaction matrix.

ATTENTION: This property is not available for language switching.

Read more in the online manual

StateCount Long

Number of status

Number of defined stati of the reaction matrix.

Read more in the online manual

Status Long This property returns the projected properties of a rema as a decimal value.
Hint: Further information in help of "State" collection.
StatusBit0 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit1 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit10 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit11 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit12 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit13 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit14 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit15 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit16 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit17 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit18 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit19 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit2 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit20 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit21 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit22 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit23 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit24 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit25 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit26 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit27 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit28 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit29 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit3 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit30 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit31 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit4 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit5 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit6 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit7 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit8 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
StatusBit9 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the status of a source bit in the status routing list.
Type Long


Type of the reaction matrix:
Binary: Evaluation of discrete stati (bit-oriented)
Multi binary: Extended evaluation of 32 bit variables; the first 16 bits determine the value of the variable and are passed on as numeric value; rerouting of status bits; special function (switch-off of data points when status bit is set) (Protective data configuring - only SAT-specific)
Analog: Evaluation of analog stati (value-oriented)
Multi analog: Extended evaluation with simultaneous status routing and special function (switch-off of data points when status bit is set)
String: text comparison
The type is defined on creating a new reaction matrix and cannot be changed lateron.

Read more in the online manual

WertBit0 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit1 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit10 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit11 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit12 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit13 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit14 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit15 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit16 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit17 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit18 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit19 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit2 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit20 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit21 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit22 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit23 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit24 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit25 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit26 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit27 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit28 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit29 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit3 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit30 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit31 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit4 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit5 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit6 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit7 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit8 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.
WertBit9 Long With this property you have the opportunity to get/set the source bit in the status routing list.


Public Sub zenOn_CreateAnalogRema()
	'*************** Use this code in the editor ***************

	'Declaration zRema
	Dim zRema As Rema

	'Initialize zRema by creating a new analog rema with the name "zenOn_AnalogRemaExample"
	Set zRema = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Remas.Create(tpAnalog, "zenOn_AnalogRemaExample")

	'Create a new state...

	'... and intialize the state by handing the rema over to the initialization example for state objects
	Call zenOn_SetStateForAnalogRema(zRema)

End Sub

Private Sub zenOn_SetStateForAnalogRema(ByRef zRema As Rema)

	'Declaration zState
	Dim zState As State

	'Intialize zState with the first state inside the passed analog rema
	Set zState = zRema.StateItem(1)

	'Sets the comparision mode to "greater"
	zState.CheckArt = 1

	'This definition constitutes the threshold value, where the alarm will be triggered
	zState.ReaAlarm = 11

	'This definition means that the system will be set back to its normal configuration, when "ReaAlarm" goes below 10 (hysteresis)
	zState.Hysterese = 1
	'User message that will be displayed when the event occurs
	zState.Text = "Limit is reached!"

	'Moreover, the first defined function will be called when the event occurs
	zState.Function = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.RtFunctions.Item(0)
	'The function will only be executed when the tpBitFkt is set. Additionaly the tpBitAlarm flag is set too.
	zState.Status = tpBitFkt Or tpBitAlarm

End Sub