

Remarks Properties Methods Samples



States are utilized by Reaction Matrices, in order to define the characteristics.


AllValues CheckArt ClassIdx
Color Function GroupIdx
Hysterese Parent ReaAlarm
ReaAlarmBis ReaStatusExt ReaStatusFlankeExt
ReaStatusFlankeStd ReaStatusMaskeExt ReaStatusMaskeStd
ReaStatusStd ReaWert ReaWertFlanke
ReaWertMaske Status Text


CreateSubState DynPropertiesEnum[GET] DynProperties[GET]
DynProperties[PUT] GetSubStateCount MoveSubState


Binary Reaction Matrix state

Sub zenOn_SetStateForBinaryRema(ByRef zRema As Rema)

	'Declaration zState
	Dim zState As State

	'Intialize zState with the first state inside the passed binary rema
	Set zState = zRema.StateItem(1)

	'Defines the matching bit combination
	zState.ReaWert = &H89 'Sets Bit0, Bit3 and Bit7 TRUE
	zState.ReaWertMaske = &H81 'Defines that Bit0 and Bit7 will be checked (Bit3 is ignored)

	'User message that will be displayed when the event occurs
	zState.Text = "Bit combination is matched!"

	'Moreover, the first defined function will be called when the event occurs
	zState.Function = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.RtFunctions.Item(0)
	'The function will only be executed when the tpBitFkt is set. Additionaly the tpBitAlarm flag is set too.
	zState.Status = tpBitFkt Or tpBitAlarm

End Sub

Analog Reaction Matrix state

Private Sub zenOn_SetStateForAnalogRema(ByRef zRema As rema)

	'Declaration zState
	Dim zState As State

	'Intialize zState with the first state inside the passed analog rema
	Set zState = zRema.StateItem(1)

	'Sets the comparision mode to "greater"
	zState.CheckArt = 1

	'This definition constitutes the threshold value, where the alarm will be triggered
	zState.ReaAlarm = 11

	'This definition means that the system will be set back to its normal configuration, when "ReaAlarm" goes below 10 (hysteresis)
	zState.Hysterese = 1
	'User message that will be displayed when the event occurs
	zState.Text = "Limit is reached!"

	'Moreover, the first defined function will be called when the event occurs
	zState.Function = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.RtFunctions.Item(0)
	'The function will only be executed when the tpBitFkt is set. Additionaly the tpBitAlarm flag is set too.
	zState.Status = tpBitFkt Or tpBitAlarm

End Sub