
ReaStatusFlankeStd() As Long
read only


Specifies, if the common state bits in a MultiBinary Rema trigger on edges.

In order to use state driven trigger (no triggering on edges), the ReaStatusFlankeStd has to be set to &h0.

To enable several state bits triggering on edges, the single masks have to be combined by ORing (logical OR).

It has to be distinguished among three options:

Trigger on edges (positive + negative) ReaStatusFlankeStd TRUE
ReaStatusMaskeStd FALSE
Trigger on positive edges ReaStatusFlankeStd TRUE
ReaStatusMaskeStd TRUE
ReaStatusStd TRUE
Trigger on negative edges ReaStatusFlankeStd TRUE
ReaStatusMaskeStd TRUE
ReaStatusStd FALSE
Trigger on edges (positive + negative)
This option requires that the state bit position at the ReaStatusFlankeStd DWORD is set TRUE, whereas in the ReaStatusMaskeStd at the same bit position it is set to FALSE.

e.g. Trigger on the I_BIT

ReaStatusFlankeStd = &h40000

ReaStatusMaskeStd = &h0

Hint: In this configuration the state bit in the ReaStatusStd DWORD is redundant, i.e. it can be TRUE or FALSE.
Trigger on positive edges
This setup requires that the state bit in all three DWORDs is set TRUE.

e.g. Trigger the I_BIT on positive edges

ReaStatusFlankeStd = &h40000

ReaStatusStd = &h40000

ReaStatusMaskeStd = &h40000

Trigger on negative edges
The last trigger event requires that the state bit in the ReaStatusStd DWORD is set to FALSE, to point out that it will trigger on negative edges.

e.g. Trigger the I_BIT on negative edges

ReaStatusFlankeStd = &h40000

ReaStatusStd = &h0

ReaStatusMaskeStd = &h40000


Sub zenOn_CreateMultiBinaryRema()
	Dim zRema As Rema
	Dim zState As State

	'Create a new analog Rema
	Set zRema = MyWorkspace.ActiveDocument.Remas.Create(tpMultiBinaer, "zenOn_TestRema")
	'Create a new state
	Set zState = zRema.CreateState

	'Set the I-Bit to trigger on both edges + the ST_M1 on negative edges
	zState.ReaStatusFlankeStd = &H40000 Or &H1
	zState.ReaStatusMaskeStd = &H0 Or &H1
	zState.ReaStatusStd = &H0 Or &H0

End Sub

See Also
