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Lines are represented by vector elements Line, Polyline and Tube.

If the option "Color from ALC" is activated for a line, the coloring is defined by the ALC configuration. Lines are automatically colored by the system depending on the status of the procedural elements and the ALC settings.

Here the color usually comes from the highest priority source number of the media flowing through the line, resp. stays "empty/not energized" just as defined in the picture with static ot dynamic colors.

You can define the type of displayvia the drop down menus
- Priority for display
- Display multiple supplies
- Display secured supply

The following options are available in the properties of the lines:

Color from ALC

Activates the automatic line coloring for these vector elements. That means: If the source for the line is active and all switches/valves leading from the source to the line are closed/open, the line is accordingly colored. If the line is fed by a single source, the dfined source color is used for coloring the line. The line width is not changed.

Priority for display


Defines whether 'multiple supplies' or 'secured supply' is displayed.
Default: Multiple supplies

Secured supply

The element is displayed according to the rules of the secured supply.

Multiple supply (default setting)

The element is displayed according to the rules of the multiple supply.

multiple supply


Multiple supply means that a line is supplied by multiple sources at the same time. Here you can define how lines with multiple supply are displayed.

highest priority source (default setting)

The line gets the color of the source with the highest priority.
Hint: Priorities correspond to the sequence chosen in the ALC configuration.

two highest priority sources

Applies for lines fed by two or more different sources. The two sources with the highest priorities define the coloring. The line is displayed with the these two colors (dashed).

Display secured supply


Secured supply means that a line gets multiple supply from one source (parallel). Here you can define how 'secured supply' is displayed.

double width

Relevant for lines fed in paralell by the same source. The line is displayed with double the original width. (Example: A line with line width 5 pixels is displayed with 10 pixels if secure-fed.)
If this line is fed by two or more different sources (multi-supply), the line width does not change!

The color is always defined by the source with the highest priority!

double brightness

Relevant for lines fed in paralell by the same source. The line is displayed with double the original brightness.
If this line is fed by two or more different sources (multi-supply), the line color does not change!
If this line is multi-fed from one source (secure supply), the line is displayed with double the original brightness.
Formula for the calculation of the double brightness:

  1. The defined RGB color is transformed to the HLS system.
  2. L (luminance = brightness) is recalculated with NewLuminance = 240*3/4 + L/4
  3. The color value is recalculated to the RGB system with the new brightness.

The color is always defined by the source with the highest priority!

normal (default setting)

The element is displayed in the color of the source and with the configured width.

info Info

The source color and the proirities of the sources are defined in the project properties.

info Info

The calculation of the color of a line in the Runtime is done with the following priority list:

  1. Automatic Line Coloring (highest priority, overrules all other settings)
  2. Dynamic colors
  3. Static colors