Picture switch - reports

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The filters can be preconfigured in the Editor for activation of a picture of the picture type Reports.

Configurable filter criteria:


definition of report file, activation criterion and online operation


definition of transfer parameters


definition of time period


Filtering on batches

The filter variables can be changed during online operation.

Possible file filters are:

Format file

selection of report file configure in Editor (*.XRS)

Filter dialog

open a filter dialog before starting online operation dependent on filter types; Scheduler for fast time selection (only with other types than Default)

Read archives from backup path

read historic archives from backup path

When a report has been selected, the other filter variables can be configured.

Possible parameter filters are:

Parameter 1-5

String transfer parameters

Parameter 6-10

Doubleword transfer parameters

The configuration of the time period is described in Configuration of the time filter.