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import error 1 <file name>

The import file <file name> cannot be opened.

import error 2 <file name>

Data cannot be read from the import file <file name>.

import error 6 <driver name>

The driver object for the import of driver <driver name> cannot be created. The driver does not exist resp. cannot be started.

import error 7 <variable name>

The variable <variable name> does not exist in the target project.

import warning 4 <variable name>

The variable <variable name> cannot be created in the database.

import warning 7 <variable name>

The set value limits of the variable are not within the MESSMIN and MESSMAX range.

import warning 8 <variable name>

The variable <variable name> cannot be renamed, as it already exists in the target project.

import warning 9 <variable name>

The variable