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The following entries are used for the acknowledging of paging messages. Acknowledging for this type is done by a ring back of the recipient. If acknowledging is deactivated, these properties have no effect. In the chapter 'Acknowledgement possibilities for paging messages' you get more information on acknowledging of paging messages.


De/activating acknowledging for paging. This entry is set via the configuration dialog.


Defines the modem to be used for in-coming calls. This entry is set via the configuration dialog. Therefore changes by hand should be avoided.


This ID is automatically generated and directly refers to the entry "Line=". If several line-strings with the same name exist, the link is defined by LineID. Therefore changes by hand should be avoided!


Wave file asking the user to enter the message Id and the PIN code. This entry is set via the configuration dialog.


Wave file informing the user about the correctness of his/her entries. The entered message Id and PIN code correspond -> the message was acknowledged. This entry is set via the configuration dialog.


Wave file played on incorrect entries (wrong PIN code, wrong format). This file should ask the user to retry entering message Id and PIN code. This entry is set via the configuration dialog.


With this entry hanging up on disconnecting can be surpressed. Hanging up is done after a timeout, which is 10s after playing the last message or pressing the last key.