Picture type Recipegroup Manager

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The managment and use of recipes is enabled by using a picture for the Recipegroup Manager.

The creation of a picture of the type Recipegroup Manager is done by the definition of a new picture of the picture type Recipegroup Manager.

(You will find more information on the pre-defined picture types in the chapter 'Pictures / Pre-defined picture types'.)

On opening the picture an empty picture is opened and the menu Control elements in the menu bar is filled.

With the help of the control elements you can arrange the individual online operating elements in the picture (overall display; in the editor there is only a two-dimensional display). The elements are distinguished from one another by buttons and general.

The control elements are:

Control element



Automatically insert default elements If not all the control elements are needed, they can be removed one by one lateron. The elements can be moved and individually arranged.




Open filter dialog of recipe picture

Report read selected values

The values of the variables selected in the table are read from the process and entered into the table. Changes have to be saved!

Report write selected values

The values of the variables selected in the table are written to the process as displayed in the table.

Read all values

The values of the variables of the selected recipe are read from the process and entered into the table. Changes have to be saved!

Write all values

The values of the variables of the selected recipe are written to the process as displayed in the table.

Column right

Move one column right in the table

Column left

Move one column left in the table

Table page right

Move one page right in the table

Table page left

Move one page left in the table

Table line up

Move one line up in the table

Table line down

Move one line down in the table

Table page up

Move one page up in the table

Table page down

Move one page down in the table

Recipe new

Create a new recipe

Recipe save

Save current recipe under the same name

Recipe rename

Rename current recipe

Recipe save as

Save current recipe under a different name

Recipe delete

Delete current recipe

Recipe export

Save current recipe as *.txt

Import recipe

Load current recipe from *.txt

Recipes >

Move to the next recipe in the current recipe group

Recipes >>

Move to the last recipe in the current recipe group

Recipes <

Move to the previous recipe in the current recipe group

Recipes <<

Move to the first recipe in the current recipe group

Recipe group new

Create a new recipe group

Recipe group save

Save current recipe group under the same name

Recipe group rename

Rename current recipe group

Recipe group save as

Save current recipe group under a different name

Recipe group delete

Delete current recipe group

Recipe group edit

Edit current recipe group

Recipe group >

Move to the next recipe group

Recipe group >>

Move to the last recipe group

Recipe group <

Move to the previous recipe group

Recipe group <<

Move to the first recipe group

Table print

Print table as displayed

Recipe value check

To test the recipe values, all variables that are linked to the recipe are read and the current recipe values are compared.
The results are displayed in the column "Current value" in according colors. If the values are the same, the text is green otherwise it is red.

All values ++

All values of the selected recipe are increased by 1

All values --

All values of the selected recipe are decreased by 1

All values %

All values of the selected recipe are increased (+) or decreased (-) by the percentage entered in the element "value %" after the appropriate button is pressed

All values math

All values of the selected recipe are changed by the mathematical operation entered in the element "value math"

Write target to recipe

Write the values of the process directly to the current recipe and save it immediately

Find recipe number

Display the first recipe with the number entered in the element "source recipe number"


User name

Name of user who last changed the current recipe

Text 1

First line of comment for current recipe

Text 2

Second line of comment for current recipe

Last modified time

Date and time the current recipe was last changed

Rrecipe number

Recipe number which is searched after pressing the button "find recipe number"

Value %

All values of the selected recipe are increased (+) or decreased (-) by the percentage entered here after the button "all values %" is pressed

Value math

All values of the selected recipe are changed by the mathematical operation entered here after the button "all values math" is pressed

Recipe group name

Name or selection of the current recipe group

Recipe name

Name or selection of the current recipe


Display of the current recipe in a table

Write status

Progress bar, indicating the writing of the recipe.

info Info

A decimal value can be entered with a colon as well as with a point, the decimal point will automatically be changed to a point.


By clicking Control elements > General -> Recipe filter you add the combo box Recipe filter to the picture. In the Runtime you can use the combo box to filter the displayed variables according to the Filter texts defined beforehand.