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The add-on only consists of a single file (zenProcGateway.exe) which should preferably be copied to the installation directory of zenon. But generally each directory is possible as installation directory. The module to be used with the zenProcGateway has to be in the same directory as zenProcGateway.exe.

The configuration file (zenProcGateway.INI) is in the system folder. In this file, an entry DLL in the section [GENERAL] has to be set to the name of the module.

For AccessDEC:

Or for AccessSQL:

Or for AccessMODBUS:

Or for AccessDNP3:

Or for AccessIEC870Sl:

Or for AccessSNMP:

If you want to use a configuration file with a different name (e.g. for operation with multiple instances), you have to start the zenProcGateway.EXE with the command line parameter /ini:<file> . That file must be in the system folder, too.

Example Example

zenProcGateway.EXE /ini:MyConfig.INI

If the gateway is started without a valid configuration file or if this file does not contain an entry about the communication module, you will be offered a selection list with all available communication modules after the start.