Picture type Standard recipe

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The handling of the recipes in the Runtime is realized with a picture of the picture type Standard recipe. (You will find more information on the pre-defined picture types in the chapter 'Pictures / Pre-defined picture types'.)

Recipe new

Create a new recipe

Recipe save

Save current recipe under the same name

Read recipe

The values of the variables of the selected recipe are read from the process and entered into the table. Changes have to be saved!

Copy recipe

Copy current recipe

Recipe delete

Delete current recipe

Recipe export

Save current recipe as *.txt

Import recipe

Load current recipe from *.txt

Start recipe

The values of the variables of the selected recipe are written to the process as displayed in the table.

Recipes >

Move to the next recipe

Recipes >>

Move to the last recipe

Recipes <

Move to the previous recipe

Recipes <<

Move to the first recipe

All value ++

All values of the selected recipe are increased by 1

All value --

All values of the selected recipe are decreased by 1

Add variable ...

Add a variable to the selected recipe It is also possible to use variables of other loaded projects.

Release variable

Remove the selected variable from the recipe

Edit set value

Change the value of the selected variable in the recipe A decimal value can be entered with a colon as well as with a point, the decimal point will automatically be changed to a point.

attention Attention

If this element does not exist in the picture, the recipes in the list element are displayed read-only.



Recipe name

Name or selection of the current recipe


Display of the current recipe in a table

Write status

Progress bar, indicating the writing of the recipe.

info Info

All information here is also valid for the Recipegroup Manager.

If the control element is wider than high, the progress bar runs from left to right in the Runtime. If the control element is higher, it runs from bottom to top.

Usually the control element is invisible. As soon as a recipe is executed with an MDI function, the control element becomes visible and disappears again after writing the recipe.

Depending on the configuration of the recipe the behavior of the control element is different.

Synchronous writing:

The progress bar proceeds, when a writing confirmation for a recipe variable is received by the recipe module, no matter if it is positive or negative. The confirmation is based on the response of a PLC after the writing instruction from the driver.

info Info

If you want to react on negative writing confirmations, you can do this with Raction matrices.

info Info

When recipes are deleted, saved, changed or duplicated, the logged in user has to fulfil the authorization requirements that have been set in the authorization group section of the recipe. If the user does not fulfill the authorization requirements, the function is not executed.
Changes that have been done successfully can be logged in the Chronologic Event List.
This is the case for Standard Recipes as well as for the Recipegroup Manager.