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Editing set values

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In order to edit the set values of the variables you can either select Edit set value from the context menu or you can change it directly in the column set value. For the checking of the setpoint value the technical minimum and maximum values for each variable are displayed with it. Multi-select is avaibale for deleting variables, but not for editing variables.

The variable '_LASTRECIPE' includes the name of the last executed standard recipe.

This allows to realize a recipe administration, as this variable at any time offers information, which recipe is active at the moment.

The variable '_LASTNEWRECIPE' includes the name of the last created standard recipe.

The variables "_LASTRECIPE" and "_LASTNEWRECIPE" can be based on any driver and must be writeable.

attention Attention


The Variable "_LASTRECIPE" cannot be realized with the Standard System Driver.

The Variable "_LASTNEWRECIPE" cannot be realized with the Standard System Driver.