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As a help for the definition this function can be selected from the menu entry Format/Functions (or with the right mouse button on the cell).

Value, Status or time of the archive entry can be read. All entries being in the time filter defined in the function are listed in the report starting with the cell with the function to the bottom or to the right.
On storing a change, the status Hand value is automatically tagged to the corresponding archive entry.

Saving of the changed values is possible via the Save control element or automatically on saving the report.


Archive variable

Archive variable number


"value", "state" "time" or"count"


"right" or "bottom"

On outputting the status information, the settings from the project.INI file in the [STATUS] section, or from the internally defined allocation, are used.

=archive(archive variable, contents, direction)


In a log all archive values of the archive variable 1 should be output downwards.


The allocation of archive variables to the log is done indirectly via an archive variable number which is automatically issued in the archive variable list of the log. In this way a default log can be reused across projects.

The function mask is changed with a double click on the function "Archive".

With the "Archive" button the list with the archive variables connected with the report is opened.

The desired process variable is selected and accepted by pressing the OK button, and the dialog mask is opened again. The allocation of additional and not yet defined archive variables to the report can be done via the New button (see also: Menu item Format/Filter).

For the selection of the corresponding archive variable information (value, status, time) the desired parameter is to be activated by a double click.

For the complete definition of the function, the infill direction (down, right; for several archive entries) is to be given.

For further structuring of the report, the appropriate number of cells for the expected archive values is to be left free.

The entries of the archive variables for the time filter defined in the function call are output one below the other.

In online operation the interrogation time is given in the function call or can also be issued on the opening of a report.

Example Example

Archive with hour values
- Time filter for "Relative last 24h" log selection
- Last 24h are output as a row of values

Syntax: =archive(ArchiveVariablenNo.,"parameter","direction")

Example Example
