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The Scheduler allows the automatic execution of actions at a defined time. This can be: changing the value of a variable, executing a system function or much more.

The Scheduler is loaded, if the module Production and Facility Scheduler (PFS) is not licensed. Its functionality is similar to the PFS, but the functional range is limited.
In difference to the Production and Facility Scheduler (PFS), which has to be licensed, the Scheduler is also available under Windows CE.

Updating the Scheduler to the PFS is possible at any time by licensing the module, the defined scheduler data is compatible.

Attention: However, data created in the PFS cannot be used in the Scheduler!

The Scheduler allows the automatic execution of actions at a defined time or in a defined time grid.

The scheduler of the Scheduler module is based on absolute times of the schedules. Therefore, the following functions are not available in the Scheduler: