Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 1.xx, 2.xx, 3.xx, 4.xx, 5.xx

Citect Version 5.20 is considered Year 2000 compliant, as are Versions 3.40 and 4.20 with Service Pack L applied. Does this mean I'm not going to have any Year 2000 problems? 

Not necessarily - it depends on how a project has been configured.

Citect Version 5.20 has undergone Year 2000 Compliance Testing, with the issues identified also being corrected for Versions 3.40 and 4.20 via Service Pack L. As a result, Citect will successfully handle the milennium transition and it's associated problems. However, it is possible that your Citect projects may contain areas that are not Year 2000 compliant.

To ensure your control system will not show any Year 2000 related problems, Ci Technologies recommends Citect users perform an audit of their entire control system, and, if necessary, carry out testing to verify that the entire system will operate correctly for the year 2000 transition and beyond.

Information on what is involved in carrying out such an audit, along with other Year 2000 information, can be found on the Ci Technologies websites: ,,

Information relating to the compliance status and operational ranges for Windows Operating Systems can be found at the Microsoft Resource Center Dates that are often tested in relation to Year 2000 include:

31/12/1999 to 01/01/2000
28/02/2000 to 29/02/2000
29/02/2000 to 01/03/2000
31/12/2000 to 01/01/2001
28/02/2001 to 01/03/2001
28/02/2004 to 29/02/2004
29/02/2004 to 01/03/2004
28/02/2012 to 29/02/2012
29/02/2012 to 01/03/2012

Note: This list is not complete and should be used as a guide only.

Also, any testing you perform should not be done on a running system, particularly for Year 2000 issues. You should either perform the tests on a totally separate test system or at a time when your plant is shutdown.

See also: Q1974, Q2113, Q2144, Q2519, and the Q2690.

