- Within RSLinx, add a new driver using the Ethernet Device
Driver, and specify the IP Address of the remote ENI module (in our
case, we used This creates a new AB-ETH driver
(typically named AB_ETH-1, however the driver in our example is
called AB_ETH-2). The driver should appear within the RSWho window
as follows:
- For a simple network, where the Citect server and ENI
module are directly connected via Ethernet, and no routing via
other PLCs is required, fill in the communications forms within
your Citect project in a similar manner to the following (Note that
the text in Special Options within the Ports form matches the name
of the driver in RSLinx pictured above):
Note: The address field should be: 'AB:NAME,'
(without the surrounding quotes). Replace only the IP address with
that of your device and leave the AB:NAME, prefix as is.
- Add variable tags to your project using the usual AB
PLC addressing conventions (eg. N7:0 for the first integer in
integer file 7).
- Compile your project
- Run Computer Setup from Citect Explorer to verify your INI
settings for Server setups and selected project are correct.
- Run Project.
See also KB Article Q3858.