Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA 5.xx, 6.00

When upgrading the Citect License key to upgrade the Citect version or to add additional licences on that key, I get the error Update Failed with error code 1, 3, 4 or 16. 

The error code 1, 3, 4, 16 means that either the KeyID or the Authorisation code you entered is invalid. This error could be associated to the fact that an upgrade to the CiUsafe is required. CiUsafe has been updated to support an extended Authorization Code for programming of additional products such as Plant2Business. The Authorisation Code generated to program the hardware key can now be up to 512 characters long and to support this length, CiUsafe has been updated accordingly.

To install the latest version of CiuSafe please follow these steps:

1. Log In on to the Citect Website with your Citect Account and then go the Auth Code Generator section which is located under the SUPPORT tab on the front page. You should see a link to download the latest version of CiuSafe. Alternatively, you can contact Citect Support to obtain the latest version of CiuSafe.

2. In the CitectSCADA/BIN directory there is already a file called CiUsafe.exe, please rename this file to CiUsafe.OLD.

3. Copy the new CiuSafe.exe into the CitectSCADA/Bin directory.

4. From the Help menu in the Citect Explorer, you can run CiUsafe by clicking on "Citect Key Update" or by double clicking CiUsafe.EXE from the windows Explorer.

5. You can now proceed with your key upgrade by entering the authorisation code in CiuSafe.

You can refer to Q3672 for more details on CiUSafe Return Codes and Errors.   

key, upgrade  
