Applies To:
  • CitectSCADA
  • CitectSCADA WebClient v6.10

CitectSCADA V6.10 WebClient does not load project but displays the error message "Starting Citect Web Client Failed: one or more properties (<PARAM> tags) are invalid."  

This problem could occur if V6.00 of Citect WebClient is incorrectly removed from the client. The V6.10 WebClient installation process does not overwrite all the settings resulting in invalid registry settings.

The solution is to reinstall V6.00 WebClient then install V6.10 WebClient.

In order to do this:
* Setup a SCADA Project (eg Example project) using Citect V6.00's and deploy the project to V6.00 WebServer as per normal.
* Connect the client computer to that V6.00 system using the V6.00 600/ client control. Run the deployed project.
* Setup a SCADA Project using a V6.10 and deploy the project to V6.10's WebServer as per normal.
* Connect the client computer to that V6.10 system using the 610/ client control.

NOTE: The above steps do not need to be performed on your production server. We actually suggest to set up a dummy v6.0 server/webserver, use the Example project and connect your webclient machine to this dummy webserver, and then follow the steps above.

See related article Q4546.


