10.4 DRAW Toolbar Icons and Menu


These are the toolbars used to Build Graphics.  The buttons are shortcuts for items found in the Right Click Menu (in DRAW) and Menu Bar (in DrawDAQ).


Toolbars are the same in both DRAW and DrawDAQ.

Toolbar (DRAW) - Top

Figure 10.12   DRAW Toolbar - top


Toolbar (DRAW) - Bottom

Figure 10.13  DRAW Toolbar - bottom


Moving the cursor over the Toolbar and pausing on an icon/button will show a ToolTip (black text in a yellow box). 


Click the button to execute the command (e.g. draw circle) or open a Dialog Box associated with the command (e.g. draw widget).


The Toolbar Icons have matching Menu Items and Command Line entry.
For example,

·         Select the  icon, is the same as,

·         Select File-> New Draw from the Right Click Menu (or Menu bar) or

·         Type "new" in the command line in the status bar  at the bottom left of the page.


For a Summary Description of the Icons associated DRAW functions see the following sections Icons- Top Toolbar, section 10.4.1  and Icons – Bottom Toolbar, section 10.4.2.  


For Detail Descriptions also refer to Status Bar, Cursors, Advanced Draw Commands and Draw Command Reference (sections 10.4.3, 10.4.4, 10.5, and 10.11  respectively.