Description: Close topmost Display groups and topmost ViewDAQs opened with <DSPPOPUPTOP> key macro and DSPPOPUPTOP Action command. Leaves other Display Groups that are not opened as Topmost open.
Arguments: none
Example: <CLOSEOTH>
<CLOSETOP>will close the Close topmost Display groups and topmost ViewDAQs opened with <DSPPOPUPTOP> key macro and DSPPOPUPTOP Action command.
The user must have a Security Level greater than or equal to the "Exit Password Level configured for the Display Group. If not, a popup dialog box will opened to prompt the user to login as a new user.
This Keymacro is available on VIEW clients and SCADA nodes running ViewDAQ.
VIEW is the web browser version of the WebAccess client.
ViewDAQ is a non-web browser version of VIEW that runs on a local SCADA node intended for standalone architecture and control room type users.
Display Groups allow multiple display windows to be opened with a single mouse click. Users can save multiple windows, size, position and default display as a display group, then re-open this group from a menu list or pushbutton. Other features of display groups include hide menu bar, no resize and exit password level to close WebAccess. Display Groups are a Windows management tool.