15.1.2         Display Group Terminology & Concepts

Display Group - a group of tasks consisting of a parent and its dependents. Each Display Group has a Display Group Name. The Display Group name appears in the Title bar of each windows. MAIN is the default display group. Others are named when the display group is created.

Task - a ViewDAQ window. The ViewDAQ program can run multiple times simultaneously in Windows. Each task has a ViewDAQ Name.  " Untitled"is the default name. Others are named when the display group is created.



Dependent - a ViewDAQ window that has a dependency relationship with another task. A dependent task is opened from another ViewDAQ window (the parent). The dependent will close if the parent is closed. A dependent window or group is always on top of its parent.

Independent task - a ViewDAQ task that is independent of other tasks.

Popup Display Group - a ViewDAQ task window (or group or windows) that opens without closing the original ViewDAQ window. The Parent task is always Independent.

Popup Dependent Display Group - a ViewDAQ task window (or group or windows) that opens without closing the original ViewDAQ window. The Parent task (and any dependents) become Dependent on the original ViewDAQ window.

New Display Group- a ViewDAQ task window (or group or windows) that replaces the existing Display Group by first closing the original window. The Parent task is always Independent.

Scaling is the normal mode: when the window is resized, the images in the window shrink or scale to fit.

Clipping leaves the images and graphics the same size as the window is resized. As the windows is resized smaller, images and information disappear and a "moving window" effect occurs.  Scroll Bars allow users and operators to "move" the window over the area of the Graphic Display.