Unit Status ( also called Device Status). Describes the OK, BAD and DISABLED status of the device referenced. Similar to %AUNITST, %DUNITST and DevSTS. %TUNITST uses words to describe state
Syntax: %TUNITST(comport unit)
Security: READ ONLY
Arguments: None
Example: %TUNITST(1 5)
Return Values: character string
Text Length: 9
Example returns:
DISABLED means halt communications to the device. A user or script must DISABLE the device. This can be done from the STATION STATUS Display or %DUNITST.
BAD means that there is a communications failure to the device; the SCADA node will retry to establish communications if BAD.
OK means communications enabled and no critical errors.
NONE means no device configured for that comport and unit number. (does not exists).