9.5.2   "Right Click" Popup Menu

1.      Right Click the mouse inside the WebAccess Browser window.

2.      Navigation Popup Menu appears (Figure 9.32).


Figure 9..32 - Right Click Menu in VIEW

3.      Drag the mouse down the Navigation Popup Menu to GOTO (Figure 9.33).

Figure 9.34  Right Click Menu and Toolbar Icons

On any display, you can Right Click the Mouse the get a Navigation Popup Menu.  Selecting GOTO shows a list of all Standard Function Keys. These keys are also on the Default Toolbar near the top of each display.

The Toolbar executes similar functions as the Right Click Menu.  The Function keys of the Keyboard also execute similar functions. Figure 9-33 shows a Toolbar “mapped” to function keys (Red = Ctrl , Blue = Shift).

Figure 9.33   Navigation Popup Menu - GOTO menu selected –Function Keys mapped to Toolbar


The File submenu allows users to Open a Display Group, Close a Display Group, Print and Exit (i.e. close Internet Explorer).

Note - ViewDAQ, the non-web browser version of WebAccess, uses the Right Click Menu for control of Display Groups (a Windows Management feature).  The "Right Click Menu" functions from VIEW are found on the standard Windows Menu Bar in ViewDAQ.